Monday to Friday 8:45AM to 4:15PM
Telephone: 516-354-0022
Facsimile: 516-354-6004

Rebecca A. Sheehan, Esq.
Village Clerk-Treasurer

Secretary to the Board

John Gahan
Deputy Treasurer

Deputy Clerk 


The Village Clerk’s Office provides the following services and functions:

  • Receiver of Taxes – Village taxes are due, without penalty, on or before July 1st and can be paid in cash or personal check
  • Freedom of Information Requests – The Village has up to 7 days to respond
  • Business operating license and landscaper license
  • “R” Resident Parking Permits – Permits can be purchased anytime during the year and cost $100  for the calendar year.   You must be a Village resident in order to obtain a resident parking permit.  A current driver’s license and registration is used to determine residency.   A resident parking lot is provided at the LIRR and in each of the Village Municipal Parking Lots.
  • “A” Parking Permits – Parking permits are provided for employees of Village businesses.  There are a limited number of parking spaces and employers pay a fee of $300 per space.  (see forms library)
  • “B” Parking Permits – Parking space for homeowner without driveway.   There is a $50 fee for this annual parking permit.
  • Marcus Christ Hall and William Gill Theater Rental – The hall and theater may be rented out to local service organizations, charities, and community groups.  An updated insurance certificate is required for all rentals. Neither the hall nor the theater can be rented out to individuals for private parties.
  • Block Parties – Residents may apply to hold a block party provided that at least 50% of the residents on the block consent.
  • Car Wash – Applications are taken in early March for dates May through September.   An updated insurance certificate is required.

The Village Clerk is an appointed official under Section 4-402 of the Village Law which defines the duties of the office. These statutory duties are supervised by the Mayor.  The Clerk’s responsibilities may be expanded by resolution of the Board of Trustees.  Some of the duties of the Village Clerk as set forth by law: Custody of books and records, Responsibility of minutes, Maintaining records of local legislation, Order to pay claims, Transmitting of funds collected to the Village Treasurer, Production of books and records under the Freedom of Information Law. Notice of Defect, keep a record of all written notices of defects. Administer Oath’s of Office to Village Officers, Receiver of Taxes, Permit and Licensing Officer, Serve as point of contact for citizens with question about the Village. Act as Liaison between the citizens of the Village and the Village Board, and   additional duties that will arise in such varied areas as competitive bidding, elections, vital statistics, annexation, resignations from office, payroll, personnel.  The Village Clerk is appointed by the Mayor for a four year term that runs concurrent with the term of the Mayor.