Architectural Review Board
The Architectural Review Board is charged with upholding the visual integrity and character of the Village when residents and businesses seek to modify their properties.

Board of Assessors
The Village’s Board of Assessors reviews and determines the assessed value for property in the Village; this assessed value is used to determine the Village tax that will be levied for each parcel in the Village.

Board of Trustees
The Mayor and four Trustees make up the governing board of our Village. The Board members serve four year terms voted upon by the public. At the annual reorganization meeting, the Mayor assigns members of the Board of Trustees to act as Liaisons in charge of various departments. The members report on their department activities at each Board meeting.

Citizens Council
Our newly formed committee is named Citizens Council and will act as a constructive advisory committee to assist the Village Board and the Village, in general, in furthering the improvement of our community.

Civilian Patrol
The Village’s newly formed Civilian Patrol is charged with being the ‘eyes and ears’ of our Village by actively patrolling areas around our community and proactively seeking support from other departments and agencies when necessary; training will be provided to all interested in joining Civilian Patrol.

Cultural Commission
The Cultural Commission provides residents with social, cultural, and educational experiences, events, and programming to foster a spirit of community pride and unity within the Village of New Hyde Park.

Parks and Recreation Commission
The Parks and Recreation Commission is charged with overseeing the care and maintenance of the Village of New Hyde Park’s two public parks (Memorial Park and Nuzzi Field) and their related recreational areas, activities, events and programs for children and adults.

Revitalization Committee
The Revitalization Committee, formerly known as the Beautification Committee, will be exploring opportunities to enhance our Village’s suburban character (i.e., landscaping, clean ups, trees, etc.)

Tree Committee
The Village Tree Committee helps manage existing tree inventory, tree maintenance, and works with the DPW department to re-populate the green space in the Village.

Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals is charged in protecting the long-term interests of the Village as it relates to land usage, subdivision of property, zoning districts, density and intensity within each zoning district. It also permits usage by enforcing Village zoning ordinances regarding residential, commercial, and industrial zoned districts within the Village.