Telephone 516-354-0064
Facsimile 516-352-1192

Igor Sikiric
Superintendent of Public Works
Theresa Blaho
Administrative Assistant
Gregory Romano
This department consists of three crews for a total of nine (9) employees who pick up trash from over 3,000 homes and businesses in our Village. No items can be placed on the street for collection earlier than 7PM the evening before the collection date.
The Draft of the Village 2023 Stormwater Management Program Annual Report is now available for public review on the Village’s website (, at the Department of Public Works and at Village Hall. The Village Stormwater Management Program Plan Documents are also available for public review at the Department of Public Works. Comments and questions on the Village Stormwater Management Program can be submitted to Staff at (516) 354-0064.
2022 Road Improvement Project
Updates to come
A New DPW Facility Is Coming!
Plans are still in the early stages, but we want to share some exciting news. Grant funding has been secured to tear down and reconstruct a new DPW facility. The existing building is old, outdated, and does not provide the proper space, technology, or layout. Last month the architectural firm Gannett Fleming was selected to design the new facility. Once the building design is finalized, the project will go out for bid. Construction is expected to take 12 months to complete. During this time, DPW personnel will continue to provide the same high level of service, although from a temporary off-site facility. During construction, vehicles, equipment, and staff may be relocated to Nuzzi Field. This is a interim solution which will require the temporary closure of Nuzzi Park. We will continue to keep you updated as plans develop on the new DPW facility.
Tree Planting Program
Curb-side tree plantings will resume in the Spring. If you want to be added to the list for a new tree, please call the Department of Public Works. An inspection will be conducted first to ensure that the site can sustain a new planting. Instructions on the care of your new tree will be provided at the time of planting. Trees are essential for maintaining a healthy environment and the suburban landscape of this community. Trees clean the air, filter dangerous UVA/UVB light, and provide shelter and food for wildlife. We hope you take advantage of the tree planting program.
Snow Removal
Planning ahead is key to managing any weather event. The Village Code requires that residents and business owners clear their sidewalks of snow/ice within 24 hours of the storm ending. The Department of Public Works plows Village streets, curb to curb. In order to conduct a safe and efficient operation, DPW needs your help and cooperation. Here’s what you can do:
- Do not park on the street during snow events.
- Minimize your travel during snow events. If you must drive, please be patient and cautious.
- Snow from your driveway and sidewalk should be shoveled onto the back, side, or front of your property. Do not throw snow onto the street. Not only is that a dangerous practice, but it’s also against the law. Having snow removal teams return to the same street multiple times increases the cost and time necessary to clear the roads.
- Remove snow from your vehicle while it’s parked in your driveway and certainly before you travel.
- Please allow the snow removal team the time and the space they need to do their job.
Working together, we can make this another successful snow removal season. If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Works at (516) 354-0064.