Office Hours: Monday through Friday
8:45 AM to 4:15 PM
Telephone: (516) 354-6330
Fax: (516) 354-6004
We have all found ourselves in an unprecedented situation. In an effort to ensure the health and safety of our community members, to keep with the current social distancing practices and avoid unnecessary congestion in our courtroom, please see the below options regarding any outstanding matters that need to be resolved.
To Plead Guilty:
- By mail: Send a personal check / money order to New Hyde Park Village Court, 1420 Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11040.
- In person: Credit Card (Master Card / Visa Card only) or cash will be accepted at the Village Hall between the hours of 10:00AM-3:00PM M-F. We also have a mail drop-box inside the vestibule of the Village Hall for check payments as well.
Please note that a 2.99% Surcharge is applied to all Credit Card payments.
To Plead Not Guilty:
- Plead not guilty to the summons and send it back to the court.
- Upon receipt of your not guilty plea we will send you an Appearance Notice, with the date and time of your conference.
- Traffic Court is held on the 1st Wednesday of every months and is by appointment only.
- All building matters are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at or you can call the court at 516-354-6330, Monday-Friday, between the hours of 8:45 AM-4:15 PM.
Thank you for your understanding during this time.
Pay Court Online
Timothy F.X. Jones
Village Justices
Robert Morici
Associate Village Justice
Dawn Brindisi
Court Clerk
Deputy Court Clerk
Due to the anticipated height of the COVID-19 pandemic Village Hall is open for appointments only. Please email for an alternate court date.
The Village Court meets on the first Wednesday of each month for moving violations and the third Wednesday of each month for local zoning ordinance, and building violations. If you wish to plead your case to the Judge, you must plead NOT GUILTY on the back of your ticket and return the ticket to the Village Court within 30 days. The Court Clerk will send you an notice with a date and time. All court appearances/phone conferences are scheduled by appointment only.
Village Court will accept a personal check, bank check, or money order, if paying by mail. If paying in person, the Court accepts cash, personal or bank check, money order, Visa or Mastercard. Or, you can pay on line at Parking Ticket Assist – Village of New Hyde Park
Meter complaints can be filed, in person, with the Court Clerk during regular business hours. If the meter complaint relates to a ticket that was issued, the complaint must be filed immediately or as quickly as possible.
The Village Justice is authorized to perform wedding ceremonies in Village Hall, provided that a marriage license has been obtained prior to scheduling the wedding ceremony. Licenses can be obtained at the Town of North Hempstead or the Town of Hempstead. Once a license has been obtained, you can contact the Court Clerk to determine the Judge’s availability to perform the ceremony.