November 10, 2020

Early Morning Telephone Call – Veterans’ Day

Dear Neighbors,

I apologize if you received an early morning telephone call this morning regarding Veterans’ Day activities.  The message was intended to be launched for 5:30 pm, not 5:30 am.  I hope you were not disturbed or alarmed by the call.  If you were awakened, I apologize. 

I’ve reproduced the message here if you missed it, as it contained information about our Veterans’ Day ceremony and trash collection.

Hello, this is New Hyde Park Village Mayor Larry Montreuil.  I’m calling to remind you that we will be honoring our military veterans on the lawn of Village Hall on Wednesday, November 11th.  The ceremony will begin at 10:45 am.  I hope you can come out and join us. 

Freedom isn’t free and we have our veterans to thank for our freedom.  I know that you are as proud and grateful for their service to our country as I am.  So please come out as part of our village to show our veterans that their sacrifice and service means so much.  Let’s give them the honor they deserve.

I’d also like to remind you that Village Hall and the Department of Public Works will be closed on Wednesday, in honor of Veterans’ Day.  There will be no garbage, recycling or yard waste pick up on Wednesday.  Please do not put anything out Tuesday night.  Put out on Wednesday night anything that you would normally put out Tuesday or Wednesday night.

Again, please don’t put out any garbage, recycling or yard waste out on Tuesday night.

Thank you very much.  I hope to see you on Veterans’ Day.  God Bless our veterans and God Bless America.

I hope you can join us to honor our veterans; and forgive the eagerness in getting the word out to you.


Lawrence J. Montreuil

Mayor, Village of New Hyde Park
