March 22, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

The continuing growth of the CONVID-19 virus and humanity’s response to it has caused the Village to make certain changes in the services we provide. These changes are for the protection of our employees and to help in the overall fight against the virus by limiting human contact while enabling your Village government to continue to deliver the essential municipal services you need.

The following updates are made under the State of Emergency currently in effect due to the CONVID-19 virus

· Pick up of Household Waste and Recyclables will Continue On Schedule

Residents should continue to put household waste and recyclables out for pick up according to the normal schedule. This has not changed. Every effort is being made to ensure that putrescible waste does not accumulate, causing additional health concerns.

· Bulk Pick Up is Suspended

In order to conserve resources for the pickup and disposal of household solid waste, bulk pickups for large items such as refrigerators, computers, furniture, etc. is suspended.

· Highway Crew is on Standby

To mitigate as much as possible the risk of losing Sanitation personnel, the Highway crew will stand down and will not perform routine services. Essential services performed by the Highway crew will be performed on an as needed basis by calling in the required number of people. The Highway crew will replace the Sanitation crew on a weekly basis to limit the number of employees coming to work at any one time. The Sanitation crew will then be on standby for any essential highway related services, such as downed branches, blocked streets, urgent road repairs, etc.

· Village Hall will be Closed to the Public

The Clerk’s Office will continue to be open and manned at 50% of normal levels with employees working alternate schedules. All village business will be transacted by phone, email and through the village website.

· Essential Building Department Services Continue

The Building Department will continue to enforce building code requirements to ensure safety is maintained. Construction services are excluded from the Governor’s Executive Orders limiting non-essential business. Consequently, Village Building Inspectors will continue to supervise construction going on in the Village of New Hyde Park. However, the Inspectors will work on split shifts to limit their time at work. Therefore, building permit applications and plan reviews will be postponed. The Building Department will also continue to enforce property maintenance violations.

· All Village Parking Regulations Remain in Effect

Code Enforcers will continue to write tickets for parking violations. Court dates will be scheduled further out than usual.

· Village Parks Remain Open; Basketball Courts, Bathrooms are Closed

We recognize that residents who are homebound have a need now more than other to have the peaceful enjoyment of their parks. All permits for organized activities are suspended until further notice. The Basketball courts will be closed to prevent the physical contact that occurs in that sport. Bathrooms will be closed, and Park Attendants will not be on duty.

o Playground equipment will not be accessible.

o We will monitor the public’s use of the park. The parks will be closed if activity is observed that is inconsistent with the social distancing strategy.

· Village Board Meeting Accessibility

Residents can attend and participate in Village Board meetings only through a conference call. No one will be admitted into Village Hall during the meeting. Village Board members may not be physically in Village Hall during the meeting. The link and dial in conference call number will be available on the village web site.

The responses to this crisis are fast changing and there are likely to be adjustments in our efforts to maintain essential municipal services while protecting Village employees and doing our part in the overall strategy to combat this threat.

What You Can Do

· Be Part of the Solution – Not Part of the Problem


· Please use the CONVID hotline at 1-888-364-3065 if you have any questions on the disease, testing, etc.

· Help Your Neighbors – Check in on elderly neighbors or let us know if someone needs assistance

· Order Take Out from our New Hyde Park Restaurants and Food Establishments

We will get through this. The more people who cooperate and behave responsibly, the more people will survive. Now is the time to help one another.

Thank you for your understanding and stay healthy.


Lawrence J. Montreuil

Mayor, Village of New Hyde Park
