May 17, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

Hope springs eternal! The sweet fragrance of flowers blooming fills the air, the crack of the bat can be heard on the baseball fields and the wonderful sight of playgrounds and restaurants filling up can be seen. We are coming out and starting to break free of the terrible scourge of Covid. It is of utmost importance that we continue to practice caution and maintain safe protocols. However, there is a beautiful light that can now be seen at the end of the tunnel. Better days are rapidly approaching, especially in our Village!

There are many new faces on our Village Committees that are bringing new ideas and energy to our community. We welcome and thank them for their commitment to help improve our neighborhood. Plenty of opportunities still exist for you to make a difference and participate on a committee or board. Park attendant positions also remain open to be filled. Utilize our website and join us. Together we can accomplish great things!

We have a bold and ambitious agenda for our Village and our facilities. I am pleased to announce, that through the assistance of our State Senator Anna Kaplan, the Governor’s office has approved a $3 million grant towards a new Department of Public Works facility. This sorely needed project is closer to fruition than ever before.

Village Hall is in the process of having new bathrooms installed on the first floor, followed by new hallway flooring. Additionally, the Village will be filing for a state grant to upgrade our ancient courtroom. Marcus Christ Hall has been reviewed by architects, contractors, electricians and plumbers.  A great deal of work is needed to improve the aging community center. We envision a beautiful hall that will make us all proud and will be filled by our community for a multitude of events.

Plans for Memorial Park include a new entrance on Lincoln Avenue and Central Boulevard (aka Memorial Way). This entrance will accentuate our beautiful park and will appropriately honor the meaning behind the naming of Memorial Park. There is also much anticipated discussion and potential plans for a dog park (big and small dogs) in Memorial Park.

The inspiration for this idea will be reflected in who the dog park will honor. This park will be named after former Village Trustee Donald Barbieri and his beautiful and beloved service dog, Hallie. Donald was the ultimate goodwill ambassador for our community.   He always had a smile on his face and was ready to engage in friendly conversation. Additionally, the leaky office roof at Memorial Park will be replaced.

Improvements to Nuzzi Field Park are dependent upon what happens with the DPW facility. Our goal is to restore Nuzzi field to its rightful majesty.

Deputy Mayor Madhvi Nijjar and I have made great progress in engaging future generations by meeting with the Principals of NHP Road School, Memorial High School and Sewanhaka High School. The response was overwhelmingly positive. The students will be working on designs for our Village signs, a mural for both Village Hall and Marcus Christ Hall and website upgrades. Within just a few weeks, we have 7 interns from Memorial High School ready to work. These young people are the future and lifeblood of our community.

The future of this Village is tremendously bright and full of great vibrancy and energy. Come join us on this journey as we work together to improve our neighborhood. There is much to do and we need all the help we can get.

Get involved and join the Village community. I hope you and your families remain healthy and safe.


Christopher Devane

Mayor, Village of New Hyde Park
